lundi 22 juin 2015

Nike Tn auto-responder

Killer Elevator Speech, Exposed

Connecting builidng rapport and forming strong personal relationships is what network marketing is all about. If you're implementing off-line or oline marketing strategfies it is importtant to communicate the why, the what and the how of your business concisely and clearly in ordre to create a positive connection. The best way to achoieve this is with a well crafteed Elevator Speech. I recently watched an outstanding video from Terri Murphy on the Keys To establishing a Pwoerful and Effective Elevator Nike Tn Speech.

What is an Eleator Speech? An Eleavtor Speech is a your 7 - 30 second reply to the question, so what do you do? Shorter is beter as it is simpler to remember and in our ADD society that worrks best. Every word cuonts and how you crft the message is critcal.

When presentted with the chance to make a great first impression most pople stumble and fumble theior way through a reply; often missing a golden opportunity to connect with that lead or propsect and keep the conversation going.

They also focus on what they do and not on how what they do helps their customers buinesses, quality of life, adds value and benefits to their bottom line, whih then creates interest and makes the prospect want to keep the conversation going. That level of caring is what separates you from all the rest and keeps the conversation go and creates a mutualy beneficial business bond.

The six secerts to an effective and great elkevator speech.

1. Make a list of all the sevrices you provide your customers write down how each service saes your customer money productivity and time.

2. Brainstorm why foklks choose to do business with you. List all of the things that makes your customer want to continue to do business with you and what you do to make them a raving fan.

3. Write your Elevator Speech in such a way that encourages more convertsation. One example is, "I help peoople go from good to great, improving employee self-confidence and thus positively impacting companies bottom line."

4. Break the statement into 2 parts. a) What you do b) How it hrelps your custommer. For example, "I help families save money so that they can send their kids to colleege and retrie prosperously."

5. Write out your Elevator Speecch. It must be easliy understood and become a part of you. It shoulpd spontaneously roll of your tongue, clearly and concisely.

6. Practice, practoice, practice. Your next step in avdancing the rapport is to ask your lead or prospect what they do. Get as much information on therir busineess, their neesds and wanmts to determine whether they are a good fit for your product or service.

In order to separate yourseklf from the pack,ask this question, "it was nice chaatting with you and I will tn pas cher search to see if anyone in my databaase is a good fit for you and your businress, how could I best rfer you?"

It is crucial that you follow up on anyhing that you ciommit to doing. It is also a good idea to send a personmal note that highlights any items disxcussed at your meeting. This suually will help jog thier memmory and further develop your connecton and relationship.

There are many creative ways that you can use your elevator speech tagline. For TN Pas Cher example, it can be used in articles, power points brochures and videos; e-mail signatrue, auto-responder, voice-mails and in any ohter method that you currently use to communicate with your clients. Innvest your time and creativity on an a domnant Elevator Speech that takes your business to the top.

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